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>> It has the highest polyphenol content of all olive varieties.
>> It has the highest monounsaturated oleic acid content of all olive varieties.
>> It provides other nutrients that are essential for our body, such as vitamins A, D and K.
And this results in
>> In comparison with other varieties it has a low linoleic acid content, which makes it the most stable oil on the market. This means that it has a longer shelf life and resists heating during cooking extremely well.
Picual Variety




Place of origin: Jaén.

Area grown: Jaén province and border zones of Granada, Córdoba and Ciudad Real.


Vigour: Good.
Vegetation: Somewhat short branches, branching out with tendency to produce buds and suckers. Vigorous open canopy that tends to close with great leaf development. Colour of young wood: Greyish-green.
Colour of young wood: Greyish-green.


Shape: Fairly long shape, wider in the upper half.
Colour: Upper side dark green, lower side silvery green.


Shape: Elliptic shape with pointed tip.
Size: Medium to large.
Mean weight: 2,14 to 3,66 g.
Oil yield: 23,8 to 27,7%
Percentage of flesh: 78,7 to 85,5%